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Benches on the Green
Ockley Green is enhanced by the benches around it, this page gives some of the stories behind each one…..
Platinum Jubilee
Some memories from the Jubilee
Celebrity Ockley
over the years, Ockley has been home to several famous people, including….
Ockley Video, 1997
A record of village life, from 1997.
Footpath on the Green
The Winter of 1983 was wet. If you had to go to the surgery on the green (or any place between School Lane and the village hall) – other than by car – you had to walk along the narrow path on the East side of Stane Street.
When searching for Ockley ancestors in parish records, bear in mind that several ecclesiastical parishes extend into the village and environs of Ockley
Ockley School
Ockley has a village school;
You pass the well and next the pool,
When a fair building meets thine eye,
Framed with simple symmetry,
Above the portal - pass it not -
Are writ the words - a name - Jane Scott
(From Ockley Parish Magazine, 1881)
Ockley Memories
Ockley Memories